Our Story
How we're using craft to
empower people, elevate spirits
"Craft plays an indispensible role in our cultural, environmental, emotional and spiritual well being."

Active Hands’ was founded in 2015 by Vineeta Nahar and Sonika Deoda who equally share the vision that craft plays an indispensible role in our cultural, environmental, emotional and spiritual well being . With our involvement with NGO’s, municipal schools, visually challenged school and teaching core crafts to children from all spectrums we could see how craft is not just a means of vocational training but is therapeutic and a great means for interdisciplinary learning too.
While our children were growing, we found that all the so called art and craft options available were mere cut, paste and colour activities that could only keep the child engaged for some time but does not contribute to any meaningful growth. Most parents, with their busy schedules and over-competitive schooling environment fail to recognise the need for mental rejuvenation.
Our immense passion for craft and compassion for our future generation put us to a journey of researching and relearning how our craft tradition can be contemporised and packed in tablet form.
Even the play time is filled with curriculum based activities, leaving no scope for creative right brain development. This coupled with digital play can lead our children to being attention deficit, impatient and intolerant. Most of them cannot tie knots and have no patience to thread a needle!!
In this journey, we have not compromised on our promise to our environment and we take the same concern to all our users. Our endeavour and MISSION is to make each kit connect to as many life skills as possible so that no life remains untouched with its goodness. Facing all possible challenges to keep this enterprise growing, we have derived strength only from your sense of satisfaction. With our DIY kit and workshops we will continue to strive to unearth your imagination, wonder, creative talent while helping you explore visual, tactile and other sensory experiences for a balanced holistic development.
Thank you for being a part of the Active Hands family! Together we shall explore, express and enjoy the crafting experience.

Meet our team
Vineeta Nahar
Vineeta Nahar is an apparel designer with over 20 years of experience ranging from textile, apparel to craft training. Her interest in exploring interdisciplinary learning through creative mediums and sustainable means along with concern for holistic development of our future generations led her to start this initiative. She takes care of design, research, marketing, training and exposure programmes.

Sonika Deoda​​
Sonika Deoda is professionally trained in finance and audit but a passionate crafter by heart. Her business acumen combined with her knowledge of numerous craft techniques and mediums is a rare asset. Sharing equal compassion for the well-being of children, she oversees finance, production and customer relations.